• Exploratory study: wind wave growth in phase-resolving wave models

    Certain types of wave studies may require the application of phase-resolving wave models ...

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  • Model research seiches IJburg

    Upon request by Ingenieursbureau Gemeente Amsterdam (IB), Svašek Hydraulics investigated the occurrence of seiches in ...

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  • Bjørnafjorden floating bridge

    The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) plans a floating bridge crossing in Bjørnafjorden to replace the existing ferries ...

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  • Construction phase wind turbines on beach Maasvlakte 2

    In an earlier project commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, Svašek Hydraulics had conducted extensive research into ...

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  • Wave study St. Julian’s Bay, Malta

    San Giljan Aquatic sports club is planning to develop a land reclamation for a pool and deck area in Saint Julian’s Bay, ...

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  • Wave conditions port of Harlingen

    Rijkswaterstaat has determined the hydraulic boundary conditions (HR) for the Wadden Sea coast, i.e. the extreme wave conditions ...

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  • Wave conditions port of Hansweert

    Databases with wave conditions are available for the Western Scheldt Estuary; the so-called hydraulic boundary conditions (HR) ...

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  • Harbour extension Colijnsplaat

    The harbour of Colijnsplaat currently provides shelter to pleasure yachts as well as professional fishing. The eastern part of the harbour ...

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  • Sheltered/shallow water zone Wolderwijd

    Rijkswaterstaat Midden Nederland has the task to realise 50 hectares of sheltered shallow zone in the Randmeren East for the development ...

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  • Wave conditions IJmuiden harbour

    To determine the wave conditions (hydraulic boundary conditions) of the Dutch primary water defences inside harbours Rijkswaterstaat has ...

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