• Reporting measurements Western Scheldt

    Wave, water level wind and depth measurements are performed at various locations in the Western Scheldt...

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  • Nearshore wind and wave climate and ice conditions Prigorodnoye, Russia

    At Prigorodnoye, on the island of Sakhalin (Russia), North of Japan, an LNG export terminal ...

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  • Seawater dispersion study,, Sture Crude

    The study is initiated to determine the best location of the seawater intake and ...

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  • Fishing port Biak

    At 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...

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  • Fishing port Biak

    At 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...

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  • Fishing port Kupang

    At 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...

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  • Bonny River Terminal

    Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited has planned an NGL export terminal on the left bank of Bonny River. The project included..

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  • Design sea defence Houtribdijk

    Determine hydraulic boundary conditions and design armour layer of dike.

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  • Climatological study Sulina, Black Sea

    Determine the wind and wave climate, weather window threshold analysis for a significant wave height limit and the occurrence of ice.

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  • Climatological study Kherson, Black Sea

    Wind and wave climate, weather window threshold analysis for a significant wave height limit and the probability of ice formation.

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