In order to get more confidence in the performance of the numerical wave model SWAN for the derivation
read moreWave, water level wind and depth measurements are performed at various locations in the Western Scheldt...
read moreAt Prigorodnoye, on the island of Sakhalin (Russia), North of Japan, an LNG export terminal ...
read moreThe study is initiated to determine the best location of the seawater intake and ...
read moreAt 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...
read moreAt 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...
read moreAt 3 locations in the Indonesian archipelago small scale fishing harbours are planned to improve the facilities for the local fishermen ...
read moreMobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited has planned an NGL export terminal on the left bank of Bonny River. The project included..
read moreDetermine hydraulic boundary conditions and design armour layer of dike.
read moreDetermine the wind and wave climate, weather window threshold analysis for a significant wave height limit and the occurrence of ice.
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