• HARES wave penetration study Aberdeen, Scotland

    Determine the wave penetration in a harbour, for several construction phases, resulting in time series of the local wave conditions for various locations.

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  • Wave study Tema Port

    Wave penetration study Tema Port with the numerical model HARES.

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  • Wave penetration study outer port La Coruña

    HARES wave study to tranfer offshore wave climate to various locations inside the port.

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  • Wave penetration Lion Gas Terminal, Rotterdam

    Establish wave climate (using SWAN and HARES) and determine 1/100 year conditions for the design of the Lion Gas LNG.

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  • Wave study Lagos Harbour

    HARES wave penetration study Lagos Harbour, Nigeria.

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    Metocean study and analysis for various layouts for wave penetration (HARES) and currents (FINEL). Effluent discharge modelling.

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  • Hydraulic studies New Harbour of Den Helder

    The New Harbour of Den Helder will have more mooring capacity due to the modernisation of the fleet. For this purpose, the design wave and current conditions were determined and the influence of the new quays on the

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  • TaTang LNG Terminal Taiwan

    Metocean study, current and morphology study, wave penetration study for a planned LNG import terminal.

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  • Wave conditions Pasuruan intake channel

    HARES wave penetration modelling of the Pasuruan Power Plant intake channel.

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  • Wave penetration Port of Ad Duqm, Oman

    HARES simulations to determine the wave penetration in the port of Ad Duqm.

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