• Construction phase wind turbines on beach Maasvlakte 2

    In an earlier project commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, Svašek Hydraulics had conducted extensive research into ...

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  • Sinker pipes Evides

    Several sinker pipes below large water ways such as rivers and channels are part of the service pipe network of Evides Waterbedrijf. Part of...

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  • Cable coverage Middelplaat

    TenneT TSO is the owner of two 150 kV cable connections, crossing the highly dynamic Western Scheldt estuary at Middelplaat ...

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  • Rainfall-runoff system Fenix-II warehouse, Rotterdam

    Initiated by Stichting Droom en Daad, the Fenix-II Warehouse (Katendrecht, Rotterdam) is renovated and re-developed into FENIX ...

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  • Tidal outlet Killetje

    Waterdunen project creates a nature and recreation area, in which the tide determines the natural value. Due to the constant change ...

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  • Wind turbines on Maasvlakte 2 beach

    In 2019 Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) has started a tendering procedure ...

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  • Harbour extension Colijnsplaat

    The harbour of Colijnsplaat currently provides shelter to pleasure yachts as well as professional fishing. The eastern part of the harbour ...

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  • Sheltered/shallow water zone Wolderwijd

    Rijkswaterstaat Midden Nederland has the task to realise 50 hectares of sheltered shallow zone in the Randmeren East for the development ...

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  • Marsaxlokk fishing port, Malta

    The fishing port of Marsaxlokk regularly experiences wave conditions that are not comfortable for moored vessels. To improve the wave ...

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  • Tidal outlet Killetje – design phase

    Waterdunen project creates a nature and recreation area, in which the tide determines the natural value. Due to the constant ...

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