• Olympic Games 2016 – current measurements

    The Olympic Sailing Competition 2016 will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Following the good experience ...

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  • Pontoon movements transport Weesperbrug due to passing ships

    The arch of the new Weesperbrug has been assembled to the roadway of the bridge while placed on pontoons in the Amsterdam-Rhine Channel ...

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  • Gemini wind park

    To connect Gemini Wind Park to the shore power grid two AC export cables will be laid through the Eems estuary ...

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  • Current forecasts Dutch Olympic Sailing Team, Weymouth, UK

    The Olympic Sailing Competition 2012 took place in Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour, United Kingdom. Following the ...

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  • Lonrho Oil Service Terminal, Ghana

    Svašek Hydraulics has supported the development of a masterplan for an Oil Service Terminal in Ghana ...

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  • Sand closure Maasvlakte 2

    The “Maasvlakte 2”, the extension of the port of Rotterdam, exists of a hard sea defense close to the port entrance and a soft sea defense ...

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  • Maasvlakte 2

    During the tender and construction phase of the “Maasvlakte 2”, the extension of the port of Rotterdam, Svašek Hydraulics was an integral part ...

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  • Siltation analysis Braakmanhaven

    The Braakmanhaven near Terneuzen is subject to siltation. Zeeland Seaports has initiated a project ...

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  • Long term current and silt measurements in the Braakmanhaven

    The Braakmanhaven near Terneuzen is subject to severe siltation, viz. on average 80 cm per year ...

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  • Full tidal survey Braakmanhaven

    The Sloehaven near Vlissingen and the Braakmanhaven near Terneuzen are subject to severe siltation ...

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