• Expected bed development Hedwigepolder and surroundings

    The Dutch government has decided in December 2012 to permanently inundate the Hedwigepolder on the border of the Western Scheldt ...

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  • Water movement around pumping-stations Rijnland Polder

    Water board Rijnland intends to renovate the two polder pumping-stations of the Elsgeesterpolder in 2014/2015. The pumps are ...

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  • Brouwers Island

    Zeelenberg Architectuur and Boskalis are developing Brouwers Island; a land reclamation project in the west of Lake Grevelingen ...

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  • Long-term vision Western Scheldt Estuary

    Within this project Svašek Hydraulics has focused on long-term morphological computations of the Western Scheldt estuary ...

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  • Siltation analysis Sloehaven

    The Sloehaven near Vlissingen is subject to severe siltation. To reduce maintenance dredging effort, Zeeland Seaports ...

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    The ROPES project is an extensive Joint Industry Project (JIP), which is initiated and conducted by the partners ...

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  • Design Coastal Protection Scheme Marsalforn Bay, Malta

    Hotels and other developments at Marsalforn (Gozo) experience significant wave overtopping during storm events, the most ...

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  • Tender for weak link north Holland

    The Hondsbossche and Pettemer Sea Defence is the weakest link in the sea defence of the North-Holland coastline and is located between the villages of

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  • Sedimentation Study Lomé, Togo

    Lomé Container Terminal had requested Svašek Hydraulics to study the sedimentation along the coastline and the impact ...

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  • Delimara power station, Malta

    For the development of LNG facilities at Delimara Power Station a study of currents and penetration of waves in Marsaxlokk Bay ...

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