• Borssele wind farm cable

    To connect Borssele Wind Farm to the shore power grid four AC export cables will be laid through the Western Scheldt estuary and ...

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  • Colombo Port City

    The Colombo Port City Development is a large 200 hectare land reclamation. Once finished it will be protected by a low-crested ...

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  • New sea lock Terneuzen

    A new ship lock between the Western Scheldt and the Channel Ghent-Terneuzen is being designed. Svašek Hydraulics has determined ...

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  • Brightlingsea Harbour

    Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners face the task of maintaining the required depth in Brightlingsea Waterside Marina ...

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  • COBRA cable

    The COBRA HVDC cable is to connect the Dutch grid at Eemshaven with the Danish grid at Endrup. It will be installed ...

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  • Mega Cruise Pier II, Curacao

    Curaçao Ports Authority (CPA) plans to construct a second jetty, called the Mega Cruise Pier II, near shore at Otrobanda ...

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  • New sea lock Terneuzen

    A new sea lock between the Western Scheldt and the Channel Ghent-Terneuzen is being designed. Svašek Hydraulics has assisted the ...

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  • Sediment plume dispersion

    When filling a Gravity Based Structure (GBS) a turbidity plume can develop from the release of overflowing sediment spill. Svašek Hydraulics ...

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  • Weak Link Cadzand-Bad

    The West Zeeuws-Vlaanderen weak link runs from Breskens to the Zwin. It’s such a large area, the weak link is split into ...

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  • Operational navigation support model Rotterdam (OSR)

    Svašek Hydraulics has developed an operational hydrodynamic model of the entire port of Rotterdam. The model calculates ...

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