Field investigations, Economic analysis,,Nautical and hydraulic study, Coastline development study,Optimisation of breakwater lay out.

Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleo S.A.e

Moín, Costa Rica

The Port of Moín was developed in 1982 for banana export, general cargo and oil import. Due to the severe wave action in the harbour, the downtime at the facilities is considerable. In a masterplan for the future development of Moín a Single Point Mooring (SPM) buoy facility or extension of the northern breakwater is recommended.
Svašek Hydraulics carried out a feasibility study considering the relevant oceanographic, meteorological, climatic and nautical aspects for both alternatives. An optimised breakwater lay out is recommended.
The study included 2D hydrodynamic modelling (tides, waves and sediment transport). To generate input for the models and for calibration purposes, field measurements were executed.
A comparison was carried out of the overall performance of the SPM system and the breakwater extension. The comparison included among others the differences in operational downtime of both alternatives and the impact of downtime on the required oil storage capacity on land.
Bernard Eikema
Project leader