Design bank revetments watertorenterrein, Dordrecht

Design bank revetments, and definition of hydraulic design criteria.

Municipal of Dordrecht

Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Where the rivers Beneden Merwede, Noord and Oude Maas flow together thirty hectares of former harbour/industrial area is being redeveloped into a new city centre area next to the old centre of Dordrecht: De Stadswerven.
For the realisation of the Watertorenterrein, a development zone around a former water tower, Svašek Hydraulics was asked to design the bank revetments. This included the determination of the design water levels, wave heights and currents.
Water levels are affected by river discharge and the tide from the North Sea. The design wave heights are generated by wind and / or passing vessels. With the numerical model WAQUA design currents are determined during maximum flood and maximum ebb in combination with a river discharge at Lobith of 16,000m3/s and a water level at Hook of Holland of +2.0m NAP.
The under water bank revetment is designed as a rubble mound slope. The revetment above the water line is designed as granite columns in combination with grass.
The top left figure shows the situation before the realisation of the development plan. Beneath this figure a sketch of the plan is given. The photo at the right side shows the new constructed bank revetment and the water tower (built in 1882).
Sam Bom

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